June officially marks the start of wedding season. Summer time and early fall are indeed the busiest times to get married. Whether you’re the bride, bridesmaid or just a guest, dealing with acne breakouts at a wedding is certainly not …
After acne treatments, many patients choose to treat their acne scars. Lasers, such as the Fraxel and Fractional CO2 Laser stimulate collagen to fill in the pitted acne scars left behind after acne is treated. After treatment of acne and acne …
If you are very active and athletic and suffer from acne breakouts, you have probably wondered if your physical activity is contributing to your breakouts. The answer depends on your hygiene and how tight or loose fitting your athletic clothes …
If your skin easily breaks out into a flush with little bumps, it’s easy to assume you are just experiencing an acne breakout. But the truth is, you might actually have rosacea. Women ages 30-5o are the most likely candidates …
The treatment of acne is multifactorial, meaning that many different factors leading to the formation of acne must be addressed. There are three main categories of acne treatments: In-office laser and light treatments for acne: This includes treatments such as …
Adult acne can be very frustrating. Many patients who never had acne in their teens experience acne during their adult years. There is no universal “best treatment for adult acne;” each patient must be treated for their unique type of …
Our male patients often tell us that they are growing their beards longer in order to prevent acne in this area. Many males find that shaving closely causes acne bumps. So what is a professional male, who needs to shave …
iPledge was introduced in March, 2006, as a distribution program for isotretinoin (Accutane.) The goal of iPledge is to prevent pregnancy in patients taking isotretinoin, therefore preventing fetal exposure to the teratogenic medication. While Accutane is a safe medication for …
It is easy to confuse the bumps of a condition called pityrosporum folliculitis with the bumps of acne. Both conditions are commonly found on the face, chest and back, they both can present as pinkish bumps and pustules, and they both …
During a woman’s menstrual cycle, she undergoes a hormonal roller coaster. It’s been proven that hormones can be a major cause of acne breakouts. A study published in the Archives of Dermatology found that 63% of acne-prone women experience premenstrual …
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Fill out the form below to receive your FREE copy of the Clear Clinic Acne Scar Information Guide! Learn about acne scar classifications and how to treat them in our comprehensive guide!