The Truth About Acne
There are endless myths circulating about acne, so its hard to keep straight what is “truth” and what is a “myth.” Dr. Eric Schweiger notes that “It is important to learn about acne, because it is something that nearly 100% …
There are endless myths circulating about acne, so its hard to keep straight what is “truth” and what is a “myth.” Dr. Eric Schweiger notes that “It is important to learn about acne, because it is something that nearly 100% …
Acne may not be a life threatening disease in the traditional sense, but those who suffer from acne can sometimes feel like it’s a life or death situation in terms of their self-esteem. With over 60 million people in the …
Many of our patients ask us, Should I use Retin A? The answer to this commonly asked question is, probably. Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Retin-A is just one example of a class of prescription medications called retinoids. These topical medications, …
You expose your face to the world every day, but during the summer months your back and chest are also on display. These areas are often ignored during the winter months, so it is important to know how to whip …
Acne develops as a result of many factors: increased sebum production results in the formation of a microcomedone, which attracts the p. acnes bacteria. Does sunscreen play any role in this sequence? Does sunscreen cause acne? The answer is that …
Some women notice that their acne worsens when they are trying to conceive, or once they become pregnant. Sometimes acne flares after stopping acne medications or oral contraceptive pills that were previously keeping the acne at bay. Other times, acne …
With the rise of acne in adults, it’s become increasingly common for patients to want to treat both acne and wrinkles at the same time. Patients in their 30s and 40s often ask if they can get Botox injections to …
Finding the right treatment to successfully rid of acne when you have combination skin is hard enough, but try adding eczema into the mix and acne treatment can become especially difficult. Eczema is a very common skin condition for which …
Is your diet causing acne? There are a lot of myths surrounding acne and diet. People who suffer from acne sometimes blame their breakouts on greasy French fries and candy bars. While there is not yet enough medical evidence definitively …
Acne excoriee is a common condition that we see at the Clear Clinic. Acne excoriee is the condition of picking at your acne. Picking at your skin causes more inflammation than was originally present in the acne bump and can …