Acne and Working Out
If you are very active and athletic and suffer from acne breakouts, you have probably wondered if your physical activity is contributing to your breakouts. The answer depends on your hygiene and how tight or loose fitting your athletic clothes are. It’s a popular misconception that sweat alone can cause acne breakouts.On the other side of that, there are some people that believe sweat can help relieve acne and help to clean out the pores. That, too, is untrue. The only time that sweat can cause acne is when there is friction involved. Tight clothing + sweat + friction can lead to acne breakouts. This condition is called acne mechanica.
So how to avoid and prevent acne after workouts or athletics? Here, five things you should be doing:
- When at the gym, wear soft, breathable fabrics and clothing that is not too tight.
- Bring cleansing cloths or your facial cleanser to the gym to wash your face after your workout.
- Do not wipe your face with an old or a pre-used towel at the gym.
- Stay hydrated! Water will help flush out toxins.
- Do not wear a headband or hat while working out. Sweat + friction + tight fitting fabrics can cause breakouts on the forehead.