Treating Acne in Your 20s
When acne shows up during your 20’s, it can be confusing. Most people thought they were in the clear if they never developed teenage acne, or that they had already battled acne during their teenage years and had moved forward. Acne in your 20’s is much more common than many people realize – at least 25% of the patients who visit the Clear Clinic are in their 20’s! Dr. Schweiger notes that, “Treating acne in your 20’s is similar in many ways to treating acne at other times in your life. However, there are also some unique factors that must be addressed when treating acne in 20-30 year old patients. They are often working full-time and cannot afford to wait for results; additionally, female patients may need to address the hormonal influences that cause acne in their 20’s.”
Here is what to know about treating acne in your 20s:
- In-office laser and light-based treatments (such as Photodynamic Therapy and the Isolaz acne laser) can clear up acne faster than prescription treatments alone. For patients who want to get rid of acne quickly, these treatments are the best first step.
- Hormonal changes for women often result in an adult acne flare. Medications like oral contraceptive pills (birth control) can be helpful, as well as a pill called Spironolactone. Spironolactone is used off-label to block the androgen receptor (the spot where the male hormone binds), in order to block the hormonal influence leading to acne.
- Retinoids are often helpful for treating acne in your 20’s, as they not only clean out the pores, but they prevent the development of fine lines on the skin.