Seeing the Light on Laser and Light Acne Treatments
Admitting that you have acne is the often the first step in seeking out an effective treatment. It’s essential to go beyond the traditional over the counter remedies if you want to truly achieve clear skin. Most patients who come to Clear Clinic come to us after trying various other measures to rid of their acne breakouts. We have heard countless complaints from our patients that their drugstore brand of acne products only made their skin worse. The best treatments for acne-free skin are a combination of the correct products and in-office procedures. Whether you’re a teenager suffering from severe breakouts or an adult with random pimples popping up, trying a laser or light therapy will make major improvements to your skin.
Isolaz Acne Therapy
Isolaz is one of the most exciting new acne treatments on the market. A combination of vacuum-like suction and blue light therapy open up the pores and kill the P. acnes bacteria lurking inside. The results are amazing and there is absolutely no downtime, in fact most patients love the rosy glow they get from this treatment.
Photodynamic Therapy
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes a blue light to activate a medication called 5-aminolevulinic acid. PDT works to reduce acne by two separate mechanisms. First, it shrinks the sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands) of the skin. This reduces acne by decreasing the amount of oil in each pore (remember, p. acnes bacteria live to eat oil.) Photodynamic therapy also directly targets the P. acnes bacteria that lives on the skin surface and causes acne breakouts. After PDT treatments, the overall texture of the skin is usually improved. In addition, PDT helps post-inflammatory erythema and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (the red and brown marks that linger after acne lesions).
Photofacials for Acne Scars
Photofacials (also known as IPL) use a broad spectrum of light to target melanin (the pigmented cells forming sun spots and pigmentation after acne lesions) and hemoglobin (the red cells that are found in blood vessels and redness that remains after acne lesions.) Red and brown marks on the skin can be greatly reduced after a series of IPL treatments. A series of three or four treatments is generally required for the best results. The treatments should be spaced three to five weeks apart.