What to Expect During Photodynamic Therapy
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is an in-office procedure used to treat active acne and prevent future acne breakouts. PDT is often performed in a series of treatments; it is sometimes used in a series of multiple PDT treatments, but more often it is combined with light therapy and the Isolaz laser for the best improvement of acne.
Here’s what to expect during your PDT treatment:
- Upon arrival in the office, you will wash your face with a gentle cleanser.
- Acetone will then be used to clean the skin and increase the absorption of the medication.
- A medication called Levulan is applied to the face, or whichever area of the body is being treated.
- You will sit for a predetermined amount of time, to allow the Levulan to absorb into the skin.
- Blue light is then focused on the skin to activate the Levulan medication.
- Prior to leaving the office, sunscreen will be applied to the treated area. For 24-48 hours after your Photodynamic Therapy treatment, your skin will remain extremely sun sensitive. Sun protection should be considered even when indoors, to avoid sunburn.
Click here to read more about PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) for acne.