Schweiger Dermatology Group

Search Results for "acne therapy"

Oral Antibiotics for Acne

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Is acne caused by bacteria? There are many factors that contribute to the development of acne. The development of acne begins with the formation of a microcomedone due to abnormal regulation of the cells within the pore. The microcomedone does …

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Photodynamic Therapy

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  What is PDT? PDT stands for Photodynamic Therapy. This is a painless and non-invasive treatment that utilizes a Blue Light to activate a medication called Levulan (5-aminolevulinic acid.) What should be expected during the PDT appointment? During your appointment, …

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Isolaz Laser Therapy

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What is the Isolaz treatment? The Isolaz is an in-office procedure used to clear out your pores and kill the p. acnes bacteria that leads to acne. There are two components to the Isolaz treatment, a gentle suction that cleans …

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Acne in Skin of Color

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Clear Clinic has a special interest in the unique requirements of darker skin patients with acne. Patients with skin of color have different obstacles to achieve the best treatment of their acne than other patients. Acne breakouts occur from the …

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Adult Acne Solutions

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Facing Adult Acne in NYC Fighting acne when you’re over twenty years old can be embarrassing and frustrating, which is why we thought it was essential to come up with adult acne solutions in NYC. Although acne is known as …

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What Causes Acne?

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What Causes Acne? There are many factors that cause acne. The first step of acne development is the formation of the microcomedone. The microcomedone forms as a result of abnormal regulation of the cells within the hair follicle. Once the …

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Acne Myths

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  Acne Myth #1: You can get acne from sweating   Truth: No, sweating does not cause acne. Sweat glands are not the same as oil pores. While sweat alone cannot cause acne, there is a condition called acne mechanica, …

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Acne and Skin Picking

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Let’s face it, we’ve all been tempted to pick at our pimples. Whether it’s a whitehead or an inflamed pimple, the temptation to pick and pop at our acne breakouts is always there. But keeping your hands to yourself is …

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Pregnancy Acne

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Acne is one of the most common skin issues during pregnancy. This should be a time of joyfulness, but often times we hear of the negative side effects all of those pregnancy hormones have on the skin. When an overproduction …

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Custom Clear Kit Questionnaire
Everything You Need to Know About Acne!

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Everything You Need to Know About Acne Scars!

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ClearClinic Personal Acne Coach™
Custom Clear Kit Questionnaire
Custom Clear Kit Questionnaire
Custom Clear Kit Questionnaire
Custom Clear Kit Questionnaire
Custom Clear Kit Questionnaire
Virtual Acne Consultation: Questions
Virtual Acne Consultation: Questions
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30 Second Acne Quiz: Your First Step Towards Clear Skin

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Free Acne Photo Consultation

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Online Acne Scar Photo Consultation

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