How Not To Pick at Your Acne
Sometimes the urge to pick at a zit is so overwhelming that you feel like your fingers have a mind of their own. When that first tinge of an underlying pimple starts to form underneath the skin, the mind begins to play tricks on you and all you can do is think about that zit. And how you’re going to get rid of it. There’s a name for people who are addicted to picking their skin, it’s called Acne Excoriee. Not all of us fall under the label of chronic skin pickers, we just want to get rid of our zits pronto. We even justify that a scab and a potential scar is better than having an untouched zit on our face for a few days.
Here are the tips we give our patients who are tempted to take the quick–and far worse for your skin–way out:
- Keep post-in notes in your bathroom saying “Don’t Pick!”
- When you feel the pimple coming on, wash your face and steam it.
- Come into the office for a cortisone shot–this is especially for times when you have a big event within that week.
- Leave the extractions to a professional and book an appointment for medical extractions.