FAQ About Acne: Do I Have Acne?
I get 1-2 pimples per year on my face. Is that still considered acne?
Yes, even a few pimples are considered acne.
When is it necessary to see a dermatologist if you have acne?
If you’re asking yourself this question, then it’s time to see a dermatologist. There is no threshold that you must pass in order to see a dermatologist for the treatment of acne. Even patients with mild acne can usually benefit from prescription acne medications and being under the care of a good dermatologist. Early treatment of acne can prevent long lasting scars in the future and can immediately help you feel better. Once you know you are on the right track to getting rid of your acne, it can do wonders for your self-esteem.
These questions were submitted by Clear Clinic patients for the upcoming Clear Answers book.