Do I Need to See an Acne Specialist?
Its hard to enter a drugstore without being bombarded by all of the OTC acne-fighting treatments. It can be the same with television: watch for more than a few minutes and you are bound to see an advertisement for the newest anti-acne system. So, when is it time to see an acne specialist? Can your regular doctor treat your acne? Do these OTC anti-acne systems actually work?
NYC dermatologist and acne specialist, Dr. Eric Schweiger, founded the Clear Clinic as a resource for people with acne to receive the best care possible. He explains that, “Over-the-counter acne treatments can sometimes be effective for mild acne, but it can be expensive to try a variety of over-the-counter treatments and not know whether they will even work. Additionally, your regular doctor has the right to prescribe you medications for your acne, but a doctor who does not specialize in acne will not understand the best treatments for your specific skin type or know the most up-to-date technology and newest medications. For this reason, I recommend visiting an acne specialist as soon as you notice new acne breakouts. They will have the knowledge and tools to get rid of your acne quickly, rather than trying many treatments and developing permanent scars in the meantime.”
Click here to learn more about acne specialists and the treatment of acne.