How Much Does Acne Scar Treatment Cost?
The cost of laser acne scar treatment varies by the laser used for the treatment. Pitted, or atrophic, acne scars are best treated with fractional resurfacing lasers. The most effective fractional resurfacing lasers are the Fractional CO2 and the Fraxel laser. Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Fractional resurfacing lasers poke microscopic holes in the skin’s surface; this process stimulates the production of healthy collagen. This fresh collagen fills in the the pitted scars to smooth out the appearance of the scars. Most patients see 50-70% improvement of acne scars after fractional laser resurfacing treatment.”
The Fractional CO2 Laser usually requires only one treatment to improve the appearance of acne scars. Dr. Schweiger developed a technique called the F.A.S.T. treatment for acne scars, that requires only very little downtime and has very impressive results for acne scars. The cost of the F.A.S.T. treatment for localized acne scarring is $3500.
The Fraxel laser requires a series of 4 treatments to improve most acne scarring. However, the downtime after Fraxel resurfacing treatments is much shorter than after a more aggressive Fractional CO2 Laser.
Click here to read more about acne scar treatment at the Clear Clinic in NYC.