Why Do I Have Acne?
Our patients often ask us, “Why do I have acne?” The answer is not always clear. We don’t know exactly why, at this point in their lives, they are developing acne. However, we do know the causative factors that lead to the development of acne. The first step in the formation of acne is the development of the microcomedone as a result of abnormal skin cell regulation. After formation of a microcomedone in the hair follicle, dead skin cells and sebum (oil) cannot escape from the pore. When these materials are trapped in the pore, they provide the perfect environment for p. acnes bacteria. This combination of factors leads to the development of inflammatory acne papules, or “pimples.”
Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Treatment of acne must address most of the causative factors of acne, in order for it to be an effective treatment. The most effective acne regimens utilize a combination of topical or oral medications to reduce p. acnes bacteria and regulate skin cell turnover. In-office treatments, such as PDT and the Isolaz, can address the causative factors of acne more quickly than most prescription medications.”