The Secret to Being Acne-Free
Fighting acne can seem like an all-consuming, every day battle, but the truth is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Thanks to ongoing innovations in the field of dermatology, treating acne lesions and acne scars can be very easy. There are just a few important points to remember to keep your acne at bay. Here, Clear Clinic’s top tips on how to keep your skin acne-free and clear for life:
- Acne is best controlled by sticking to the proper skincare regimen consisting of an acne-fighting cleanser with active ingredients meant to fight acne, a non-comedogenic moisturizer, sunscreen and a spot treatment to used as needed.
- The best way to manage your blemishes is to be evaluated by a dermatologist in order to begin a treatment regimen that is effective for preventing acne flares. Just like you would hire a personal trainer to get in shape or a nutritionist to help you start a healthy eating plan, it’s essential to consult a dermatologist for guidance in an acne-fighting regimen.
- The addition of a medicated cream or an in-office blue light treatment will clear up your skin and prevent acne flares. Even patients with very mild acne can benefit from a simple regimen created by their dermatologist.
- As soon as you notice an acne scar forming, make an appointment to see the dermatologist. Acne scars can successfully be treated with the Fraxel laser and the Fractional CO2 laser. We also offer our proprietary F.A.S.T. acne treatment, developed by Dr. Schweiger to successfully treat acne scarring in a way that’s never been done before.