The Best Products to Use at Home Between Blue Light Treatments
Blue light treatments are often performed at Clear Clinic for the treatment of acne. Blue LED light is used to kill the acne-causing p. acnes bacteria that lives on the skin’s surface. Sometimes Blue LED light is performed on its own, though we often recommend its use in a series of visits combined with other therapies. However, it is important to know the best products to use at home between blue light treatments.
Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Blue LED light is an effective method of decreasing the p. acnes bacteria on the skin, which lead to the formation of acne. The most effective acne treatment regimens combine in-office blue light treatment with at home treatments and prescription medications. At Clear Clinic, we recommend that our acne patients use an at home blue light device between their office visits.”
The most studied and effective at home blue light devices are the Tria and the Tanda systems. Both devices emit blue LED light, which kills the p. acnes bacteria on the skin. They use the same wavelength and deliver treatments that are similar in efficacy; the difference is the manner by which the blue light is applied. Both devices work by employing their energy directly onto the skin, though the instructions for how long and how often to use each device differs. Blue LED light does not cause any redness or downtime, and can be used immediately prior to applying prescription acne medications.
Click here to learn more about the best products to use at home between blue light treatments.