When suffering from acne scarring, patients must undergo some form of dermatological treatment in order to get rid of them; if left untreated acne scars can be permanent. New York based dermatologist Dr. Eric Schweiger, founder of Clear Clinic, explains …
Cystic acne must be addressed differently than blackheads or whiteheads on the skin. Cysts are inflammatory lesions located deeper within the skin; therefore many of the treatments that are effective in treating blackheads and whiteheads do not improve cystic acne …
Topical prescription medications for acne are a mainstay in acne treatments. Although laser treatments for acne and oral medications for acne may seem to be more effective, topical medications play a very important role in the treatment of acne. Topical …
According to acne scar expert, Dr. Schweiger, “Pitted acne scars do not resolve on their own. We have many options for getting rid of acne scars, but there is no one treatment that is best for every patient. I feel …
Many women in their 20’s and 30’s have to learn how to deal with hormonal acne. Even women who never experienced acne as teenagers may experience acne during their adult years. Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Hormonal acne is usually a …
Acne expert Dr. Eric Schweiger explains that, “Treating acne if you have sensitive skin can sometimes be challenging. Even over-the-counter acne treatments can cause excessive dryness and irritation to the skin, making the treatment of acne at home a difficult …
Some skin care professionals are touting the benefits of facial oils for the treatment of acne. Dr. Schweiger notes that, “While we are always looking for the next great treatment for acne, there is not enough research to prove that …
Dr. Schweiger recently met with fashionista.com to review what’s new in acne treatment. New ways to fight acne are being discovered every year, so it is important to keep up to date on what the current best treatments are for …
Acne and acne scar expert Dr. Eric Schweiger explains that, “Not all acne scars are the same. There are a few different types of acne scars that can form on your skin; it is important to be able to identify …
Acne expert Dr. Schweiger explains that, “All prescription medications are different. Some are intended to be used or taken for a short period of a few weeks or months, while others are intended for more long term use. The bottom …
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Fill out the form below to receive your FREE copy of the Clear Clinic Acne Scar Information Guide! Learn about acne scar classifications and how to treat them in our comprehensive guide!