Do You Need Acne Surgery?
First of all, what is acne surgery? It sounds like a scary thing that requires anesthesia and a hospital stay! The truth is, acne surgery is a simple procedure, which can make a big improvement in the treatment of your …
First of all, what is acne surgery? It sounds like a scary thing that requires anesthesia and a hospital stay! The truth is, acne surgery is a simple procedure, which can make a big improvement in the treatment of your …
If laser treatment for acne scars is the most effective method of permanently improving the skin’s texture, then why would anyone opt to have fillers for acne scars? Acne scar expert Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Laser resurfacing works by stimulating …
Upon joining the Clear Club, our acne treatment program at the Clear Clinic, you will be paired up with a personal acne coach. A personal acne coach is a Physician Assistant, who specializes in the treatment of acne and acne …
When suffering from acne scarring, patients must undergo some form of dermatological treatment in order to get rid of them; if left untreated acne scars can be permanent. New York based dermatologist Dr. Eric Schweiger, founder of Clear Clinic, explains …
Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are two of the most commonly used over-the-counter acne treating ingredients available at the drug store. However, many people don’t understand the difference between these two unique acne-fighting medications. Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Benzoyl peroxide …
Retin-A is one of the most well-known acne medications; many people recognize its name from use either as a teenager or as an adult. It is no accident that Retin-A is such a well-known medication. Retin-A is an example of …
Cystic acne must be addressed differently than blackheads or whiteheads on the skin. Cysts are inflammatory lesions located deeper within the skin; therefore many of the treatments that are effective in treating blackheads and whiteheads do not improve cystic acne …
Avoid candy and ice cream: Recent research suggests that foods with a high glycemic index and dairy products may influence the development or worsening of acne on your skin. Don’t pop that pimple: Popping or picking at your acne may …
According to acne scar expert, Dr. Schweiger, “Pitted acne scars do not resolve on their own. We have many options for getting rid of acne scars, but there is no one treatment that is best for every patient. I feel …
According to acne expert, Dr. Schweiger, here are the top 10 acne fighting tips you should follow this year: Cleanse before bed – even if you only have time to use a cleansing wipe, it is important to remove oil …