The F.A.S.T. acne scar treatment was developed by acne scar expert Dr. Schweiger at the Clear Clinic in New York City. The F.A.S.T. acne scar treatment utilizes a unique approach to treating acne scars. Rather than treat the entire face, …
The 5 things you should know about Fraxel acne scar treatment: Fraxel is non-ablative: The Fraxel Restore laser treatment is a non-ablative treatment, meaning that its energy is sent through the skin, without ablating the superficial layers of the skin. …
The start of the school season always means stocking up on new clothes and supplies, but according to a new study, students are now investing money in procedures to treat acne and acne scars. The study, performed by The Patient’s …
As summer continues to fly by, and the school year is quickly approaching, it is time to get rid of those deep acne scars. Luckily, Dr. Schweiger has developed a technique called the F.A.S.T. Scar Treatment, for improvement of pitted …
Even mild acne can cause pitted acne scars, so many patients have scarring over only a localized area of the face. These patients do not need aggressive full face fractional CO2 resurfacing treatments, they need only to treat the focal …
The cost of laser acne scar treatment varies by the laser used for the treatment. Pitted, or atrophic, acne scars are best treated with fractional resurfacing lasers. The most effective fractional resurfacing lasers are the Fractional CO2 and the Fraxel …
Treating acne scars can be a tricky issue when your skin has darker pigment in it. One of the most effective ways to treat acne scarring is with laser treatments, which can sometimes cause hyperpigmentation in skin of color. So …
There is often confusion as to which acne scar treatment is better, the Fractional CO2 Laser or the Fraxel re:store Laser. Both lasers are fractionated, meaning that healthy skin is left between the treated areas for safer treatments and faster …
The F.A.S.T. procedure, developed by Dr. Schweiger, uses the most effective laser technology for the treatment of acne scars in an innovative way to improve results and decrease downtime. F.A.S.T. stands for Focal Acne Scar Treatment; this focal acne scar …
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Fill out the form below to receive your FREE copy of the Clear Clinic Acne Scar Information Guide! Learn about acne scar classifications and how to treat them in our comprehensive guide!