Laser treatments for acne scars are widely known to be the gold standard in scar removal. But there’s a new procedure called Focal Acne Scar Treatment (F.A.S.T. procedure), which was developed by Dr. Schweiger and uses the most effective fractional …
Admitting that you have acne is the often the first step in seeking out an effective treatment. It’s essential to go beyond the traditional over the counter remedies if you want to truly achieve clear skin. Most patients who come …
Its hard to enter a drugstore without being bombarded by all of the OTC acne-fighting treatments. It can be the same with television: watch for more than a few minutes and you are bound to see an advertisement for the …
Upon joining the Clear Club, our acne treatment program at the Clear Clinic, you will be paired up with a personal acne coach. A personal acne coach is a Physician Assistant, who specializes in the treatment of acne and acne …
When suffering from acne scarring, patients must undergo some form of dermatological treatment in order to get rid of them; if left untreated acne scars can be permanent. New York based dermatologist Dr. Eric Schweiger, founder of Clear Clinic, explains …
According to acne scar expert, Dr. Schweiger, “Pitted acne scars do not resolve on their own. We have many options for getting rid of acne scars, but there is no one treatment that is best for every patient. I feel …
Acne and acne scar expert Dr. Eric Schweiger explains that, “Not all acne scars are the same. There are a few different types of acne scars that can form on your skin; it is important to be able to identify …
As tempting as it can be, it is important to avoid popping pimples and picking at your skin when you break out. Not only does picking your acne cause it to stick around longer (due to increased inflammation on the …
It can be tempting to skip your copay and face acne alone. However, the truth is that, most people with acne cannot get rid of acne with over-the-counter treatments alone. By the time you have tried a few drug store …
We’ve all been there – its midnight and you have a giant pimple on your cheek that you can’t help but squeeze! However, what about when squeezing the pimple results in a red acne indentation on your face that lasts …
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Fill out the form below to receive your FREE copy of the Clear Clinic Acne Scar Information Guide! Learn about acne scar classifications and how to treat them in our comprehensive guide!