FAQ About Acne: Do I Have Acne?
I get 1-2 pimples per year on my face. Is that still considered acne? Yes, even a few pimples are considered acne. When is it necessary to see a dermatologist if you have acne? If you’re asking yourself this …
I get 1-2 pimples per year on my face. Is that still considered acne? Yes, even a few pimples are considered acne. When is it necessary to see a dermatologist if you have acne? If you’re asking yourself this …
Accutane doesn’t have to be a scary experience. In reality, when used appropriately, Accutane can be life changing! For patients who experience severe recalcitrant acne (meaning, severe acne that does not stay clear when using other medications or treatments), Accutane …
Top 5 Reasons to See a Dermatologist for Your Acne: There is no doubt about it, treating acne early can prevent the formation of permanent scarring. Even patients with very mild acne visit the Clear Clinic to begin using a …
Laser Genesis is an excellent treatment option for both acne scars and the redness left behind after old acne clear (called post-inflammatory erythema.) Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Laser Genesis is a 1064nm short-pulsed laser that is non-ablative, meaning it does …
It’s not just the unsightly bumps associated with acne that give the skin an unpleasant look. It’s also the redness and discoloration involved in acne breakouts that make the skin look uneven and unattractive. We’re not only talking about the …
Acne excoriee is a very common condition in which someone picks at their acne. It is not unusual for someone to pop a pimple from time to time (though we don’t recommend it!), but those people who regularly pick at …
Luckily, not everyone experiences deep pitted scars as a result of their acne. However, many people are still left with other marks on their skin after the acne lesions are long gone. These red marks from old acne are referred …
An article published in the September 2012 Cutis Journal described a case study of five teenage boys who took whey protein supplements for weight gain and muscle building. Shortly after initiation of whey protein supplementation, these boys experienced an onset …
We discovered Cassandra Bankson, a teenager suffering from severe acne, when she bravely showed her bare, makeup-free face to viewers on You Tube in 2010. The purpose was to demonstrate to other acne sufferers that it is possible to successfully …
A recent article published in Pediatric Dermatology about the help-seeking behaviors and treatment choices of adolescents with acne shed light upon how teens are going about treating their acne. The data, which was pulled from an anonymous survey administered to …