Oxygen: Your Secret Acne Weapon
For the millions of acne sufferers out there, wouldn’t it be nice to find an ingredient that was guaranteed to banish your pimples? While there are indeed several ingredients that are proven to fight and kill the p. acnes bacteria, such as sulfur and salicylic acid it turns out that oxygen–you know, the stuff we breath, is actually a powerful tool when it comes to fighting acne. One of the best acne-fighting ingredients around–benzoyl peroxide–kills acne by introducing oxygen into the pores. The p. acnes bacteria thrives in an anaerobic environment–meaning an area without air. Another reason to keep your pores free of debris, which can seal off the oxygen and make it even easier for acne to exist.
In a recent article in Health magazine, Clear Clinic’s founding dermatologist Dr. Eric Schweiger was quoted on the skin-clearing benefits of the new oxygen skincare trend. “Acne comes from bacteria, and hydrogen peroxide has antimicrobial properties, so it could help give you clearer skin,” Dr. Schweiger says to the magazine. “And oxygen itself increases circulation and has wound-healing abilities.
So while simply applying a foundation with oxygen as one of its ingredients may not completely clear your skin, it can certainly help. But even more important is making sure whatever skincare products or cosmetics you choose in your regimen do not contain any ingredients that will clog your pores or irritate your skin. For maximum skin-clearing benefits, steer clear of mineral oil, cocoa butter and wheat germ oil. You also don’t want any fragrances or dyes, which can irritate the skin. And more important than all else? Making sure you remove your makeup every night!