Five Things That May Be Making Your Acne Worse
Acne breakouts can be extremely frustrating. You seem to be doing everything right. You’re washing your face and making sure not to pop your pimples, but there may be other things you are doing that are affecting your skin. Here, a look at 10 potential acne-causing products and treatments you should cut out of your routine:
1) Swap your cream blushes for powder formulations. Some cream blushes can clog the pores and lead to more acne.
2) Avoid hairstyles that require a lot of hair product. Not only can it seep onto the forehead, but it can leave oils and debris on your pillowcases.
3) Speaking of pillowcases. Make sure to change yours every day when acne is a consideration. Dead skin cells, dirt and debris accumulate on the cases and can lead to more breakouts.
4) Stay away from facials where the esthetician is massaging oils and heavy creams into your face. Instead, go to a dermatologist and book an appointment for a chemical peel.
5) Look at your skin care products, if they contain fragrance it may be time to look for a different brand. Synthetic fragrances contain thousands of ingredients that may be irritating to your skin.