Treating Acne Fast
When you have skin that’s suffering from breakouts, you are going to want a fast acne treatment. Waiting months for an acne treatment to work is nobody’s idea of fun. A beautiful, acne-free complexion is everyone’s ideal and there is no reason you can’t attain clear skin quickly. With the proper tools, tricks, tips and treatments, you’ll be on the road to clear skin immediately.
Tips for Acne-Free Skin—ASAP!
There are some beauty secrets and skincare tips you should know about if you want acne-free skin stet. First, keep your hands off your face. Did you know that touching your face can lead to acne breakouts? It’s true! The bacteria on your hands and fingers can worsen existing acne breakouts or cause new lesions to occur. Another not-so-known skincare secret is to change your pillowcases on a regular basis. The oils from your hair products often times rub off on the pillowcase and can lead to breakouts on your skin. Sometimes the best treatment for acne is to do your laundry!
Cleanse and Treat for Acne-Free Skin
You may think that over-washing and over-treating your skin will help speed along your path to clear skin. But really the opposite is true. If you over-cleanse your skin, you could be upsetting the balance and actually be drying out your skin, which in turn tells your body to produce more oils and can lead to further breakouts. The best thing you can do for your skin is to use a gentle daily cleanser and then treat your skin with a targeted acne treatment containing benzoyl peroxide for the entire face. If you want to spot treat your acne, use a product containing salicylic acid or sulfur.
The Quickest In-Office Acne Treatments
Thanks to modern day technology, the plethora of in-office acne procedures is varied and very efficient at targeting acne where it starts. The Isolaz is one of the best treatments for acne—it’s painless and works to clear the skin quickly. Isolaz is a one-two punch to acne treatments. First, it uses a gentle vacuum to clear out the pores then it uses a broadband light to deeply purify the pores and kill the P. acnes bacteria. There is no downtime with Isolaz, as it leaves only a gentle rosy glow to the cheeks after treatment.
Prescriptions Work Fast
Teaming up with an acne skincare expert, such as a dermatologist or a physician’s assistant (PA) to help rid of your acne breakouts, can without a doubt speed up the process. While it may seem like a good idea to devise your own acne treatment plan, only a licensed dermatologist can prescribe you the proper medications to really treat and rid of your acne. Topical prescriptions include topical antibiotics and topical retinols, both of which will clear the skin at a rapid rate. A dermatologist can also assess your skin to see if an oral antibiotic or Accutane is the right answer for your fast acne treatment.
When you have acne, the last thing you want to do is wait for it to clear up. You want clear skin, pronto! Knowing some secret skincare tips and tricks can help speed along the process, as can the proper skincare regimen and the right in-office procedures. The best way to achieve a fast acne treatment is to team up with a dermatologist.