FAQ About Acne: Does Adult Acne Scar?
Adult acne, particularly inflammatory acne, can lead to the development of pitted acne scars.
How can acne scars be prevented?
It is important for even mild acne to be treated promptly by a dermatologist. Starting an acne regimen early can eliminate the acne lesions before they lead to scarring. It is also helpful to avoid picking at acne and popping acne at home, as this type of manipulation may increase the likelihood of scarring.
What is the best treatment for scars left behind after adult acne?
Laser resurfacing treatments, such as the Fraxel and Fractional CO2 Laser, are the most effective treatments for reducing pitted acne scars. These lasers poke microscopic columns in the skin’s surface, which stimulates the production of healthy collagen to fill in the pitted scars. Other treatment options include chemical peels and microdermabrasion for milder scarring.