Does Sun Help Acne?
Acne can be frustrating during the summer months. In the warm weather, women usually prefer to wear less makeup and acne on the body can be devastating for both women and men as they head to the beach. Our patients sometimes tell us that they are trying to get tan this summer, in order to treat their acne. This is a common misconception that Dr. Schweiger tries to clear up with all of his patients. He explains that, “While a suntan can help to temporarily camoflauge acne and acne marks, the inflammation and damage to the skin caused by sun exposure can actually make acne worse in the long term. Additionally, the increased risk of skin cancer and premature aging associated with sun exposure is just not worth the small temporary benefit.”
For patients who like to have some color during the summer months, self-tanners are safe and useful for those with acne. Nearly all acne treatments are safe to use during the summer months. Patients must be careful to wear sunscreen and avoid excessive sun exposure while using many acne medications and while undergoing laser acne treatments, but they do not need to stop treatment of acne during the summer months.