Acne Specialists at the Clear Clinic in NYC focus on the treatment of acne and acne scarring. During your visit, our healthcare providers will evaluate your skin and determine the best acne treatment regimen for you. Clear Clinic specializes in the treatment of acne, and our healthcare providers are knowledgeable and experiences in the most current treatments for acne and acne scarring. We often use a combination of prescription medications and in-office laser and light procedures for the most effective treatment of acne. Clear Clinic offers a variety of in-office treatments that are uniquely formulated for our patients. Our acne specialists can often arrange for your first treatment to be on the day of your initial consultation, if you would like. We also have many options available for the treatment of acne scarring, so we are able to tailor your treatment to exactly the type of acne and acne scarring that you are experiencing.
Click here to schedule an appointment with an acne specialist at the Clear Clinic in NYC.