Types of Acne Scars
Acne scars are not all created equal. There are several types of scars and marks that can be left behind from active acne. It is important to recognize the different types of acne scars in order to properly treat the …
Acne scars are not all created equal. There are several types of scars and marks that can be left behind from active acne. It is important to recognize the different types of acne scars in order to properly treat the …
Clear Clinic in New York City prides itself on keeping up with the most sophisticated laser technology for acne. The truth is that over-the-counter and prescription medications have not changed much over the past few years. Laser technology, however, has …
Even mild acne can cause pitted acne scars, so many patients have scarring over only a localized area of the face. These patients do not need aggressive full face fractional CO2 resurfacing treatments, they need only to treat the focal …
Acne is such a common skin disorder that many people–especially teens–feel they must just deal with the hand their dealt. The statistics on how many people suffer from acne in the United States vs how many people seek treatment for …
You’ve heard the warnings countless times about how damaging it is to pop a pimple. But that whitehead was calling your name and…you popped it. So now what? First of all, we hope you used a warm compress to soften …
Anyone with acne has heard time and time again how terrible it is to pick at your acne lesions. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and try and squeeze your pimple, but just try and imagine the …
Is acne contagious? No, acne is not contagious. Although acne is caused by the p. acnes bacteria, it cannot spread like bacterial infections. Nearly everyone has p. acne bacteria on their skin, but other factors must be in play for …
What makes a medical extraction different than using your own two fingers to pop a zit? A lot! First, as we’ve explained, popping your own zits is never a good idea. It can lead to further breakouts, scars and irreparable …
The cost of laser acne scar treatment varies by the laser used for the treatment. Pitted, or atrophic, acne scars are best treated with fractional resurfacing lasers. The most effective fractional resurfacing lasers are the Fractional CO2 and the Fraxel …
Acne scars are frustrating for many patients. Even the most mild acne can lead to the development of permanent acne scars. Luckily, there are effective treatments available to improve the appearance of acne scars. Fractional resurfacing lasers, such as the …