Ways to Save Money on Acne Skin Care Products
The fight against acne can sometimes feel as though it’s draining your wallet. So how to beat and banish breakouts without breaking the bank? Dr. Schweiger often gets questions as to which products can be bought on the cheap and how to save money when shopping for acne products. Here are his top words of advice on how to save your skin from acne without using your life savings:
- Ask your dermatologist for samples of acne-fighting skin care products.
- Look for acne-fighting cleansers and treatments at the drug store rather than the department store. As long as the product contains one of the proven OTC acne-fighting ingredients, it will deliver results. A pricier product usually does not mean it’s better.
- Don’t over-use your products. You may be tempted to use more than the directions call for because you think it will do a better job, but that’s not the case.
- Ask your dermatologist for coupons for prescription acne medications.