Schweiger Dermatology Group

Top 5 Prescription Topicals for Teenage Acne Treatment

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Top 5 Prescription Topicals for Teenage Acne Treatment:

  1. Acanya: Acanya is a topical medication containing both benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin.  Both of these ingredients fight against the acne-causing p. acnes bacteria.  Your dermatologist may recommend that you apply this medication once or twice daily, depending on the type of acne that you have.
  2. Differin: Differin is a brand name retinoid containing the ingredient adapalene.  Adapalene works by stimulating skin cell turnover, in order to prevent clogged pores, which would otherwise attracth the p. acnes bacteria that leads to acne formation.  Differin, and other retinoids, also help to reduce the appearance of dark spots and scars left behind after acne clears.
  3. Tazorac: Tazorac is also a retinoid, though it contains a different ingredient than Differin.  The active ingredient in Tazorac is called tazarotene.  Tazorac also helps to keep the pores free of excess sebum and debris; it is one of the most effective retinoids, though it can cause dryness for some patients, so should be used sparingly at first.
  4. Aczone: Aczone is a unique medication with anti-microbial effects.  It works by decreasing the presence of the p. acnes bacteria, which leads to acne.  Aczone is great for teenage acne treatment because it does not cause irritation or dryness on the skin.
  5. Epiduo: Epiduo is an effective medication, which combines benzoyl peroxide with the active ingredient of Differin, adapalene.  This is a unique formulation of medications, it is the only medication that combines a retinoid (to increase skin cell turnover and clean the pores) with benzoyl peroxide (to kill p. acnes bacteria.)  Epiduo is usually used once daily.

FAQ About Acne: Will I Develop Adult Acne?

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Will I develop adult acne?

There is no way to predict who will develop adult acne and who will not.  Unfortunately, adult acne can present for the first time even in your 40’s.  For many of our adult patients, we recommend the use of a topical retinoid for anti-aging purposes.  The added benefit of these creams (besides preventing wrinkles) is that they help to keep the pores clear and stop the development of acne, therefore helping to prevent adult acne before it ever starts.

What is the role of stress in the development of acne?

What your mother has been telling you for so many years is actually true; stress can contribute to acne.  While stress isn’t the true cause of acne, increased stress can aid in the development of acne.  Studies on teenagers have shown that those who were under increased stress were 23% more likely to have acne.  Stress causes the adrenal gland to produce excess levels of androgen and increased levels of androgen can lead to the development of acne.

Top 10 Ways to Avoid an Acne Breakout

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1. Wash your face twice a day: Washing with a gentle cleanser helps to remove dirt and grime that builds up in the pores from makeup and environmental exposures.  Patients with acne-prone skin can use a medicated cleanser containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide once a day.

2. Use a retinoid: Retinoids not only make the skin healthier, but they clean out the pores to prevent acne-causing bacteria from congregating in the area.

3. Avoid popping pimples: Popping pimples at home leads to more inflammation on the skin, which can attract acne-causing bacteria, resulting in future acne lesions.

4. Ask for a cleansing brush this holiday season: Cleansing brushes, such as the Clarisonic Mia, clean the pores up to six times more effectively than traditional facial cleansing alone.  They are waterproof, so they can be left in the shower for back and chest treatments if necessary.

5. Maintenance treatments: After completing laser treatments for acne, some patients require maintenance treatments 2-4 times a year.  Many patients find that having a quarterly Isolaz treatment helps to avoid an acne breakout when stress levels are high.

6. Buy travel size products: Just because you are traveling, doesn’t mean that you should forget about your regular acne regimen.  Buy travel size products when possible and ask your dermatologist for samples of your topical acne medications for use while traveling.

7. Keep stress levels low: Managing your stress helps to prevent acne breakouts, because as stress levels increase, the hormone cortisol is released. This can result in more acne breakouts than usual.

8. Visit your dermatologist: Even after your skin is clear, it is advised to check in with your dermatologist once or twice yearly.  As your skin changes, the needs of your skin may also change.  It is important to make certain that you are using the best acne fighting regimen for the needs of your skin at any particular time.

9. Look for ‘non-comedogenic’ products: All moisturizers, sunscreens, and makeup should be labeled ‘non-comedogenic’ or ‘non-acnegenic.’  These phrases indicate the the product has been scientifically proven not to contribute to the formation of acne.

The Difference Between Isolaz Therapy and Blue Light Therapy

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There are so many laser treatments available for the treatment of acne scarring, it is helpful to visit an acne expert to help you sort through them all.  Your dermatologist can help you to determine which laser treatment for acne is best for your skin type.  Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Isolaz therapy and Blue light therapy each use different technology, in order to control acne and prevent future acne.  Both treatments have an antibacterial light that is used to kill the acne-causing p. acnes bacteria, but the treatments are performed in different ways.  Most patients benefit greatly from a combination of the two laser acne treatments.”

Isolaz therapy utilizes a gentle vacuum to clean oil and debris from the pores, while a broad-spectrum light kills the bacteria inside the pores.  The treatments take approximately fifteen minutes and there is no downtime after the visit.  The Isolaz treatment not only reduces active acne on the skin, but prevents future acne lesions from forming.

Blue light therapy utilizes a blue LED light, which kills the acne-causing p. acnes bacteria on the skin.  The treatment takes between fifteen and thirty minutes and there is no downtime after the blue light visit.  Similar to the Isolaz treatment, blue light therapy helps to reduce active acne and prevent future acne from forming on the skin.

At Clear Clinic, we often recommend a series of in-office physical acne treatments, in order to obtain the best results for our patients.  A combination of Isolaz therapy and blue light therapy (often in the form of Photodynamic Therapy, which combines blue light with a topical light-sensitizing medication applied to the skin) is one of the most effective anti-acne regimens for many of our patients.

FAQ About Acne: When Does Adult Acne Stop?

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At what age will my adult acne stop?

The unfortunate answer is that, when left untreated, acne can persist into your 50’s.   Hormonal changes can stimulate increased production of sebum in the hair follicle.  This produces an ideal environment for the p. acnes bacteria to thrive.  The key for all adults experiencing acne is to start an anti-acne regimen at the first sign of a breakout.  Using topical medications, at-home cleansing brushes and in-office laser treatments when necessary can help to keep adult acne under control.

Can I use my teenage child’s acne medications?

We recommend checking with your dermatologist prior to using your children’s acne medications.  While the armamentarium of acne medications is similar for teenage and adult acne, it is important to treat the type of acne that you have and keep in mind the specific needs of your skin.  We do have many parent/child duos that come to the Clear Clinic together for their treatments and share their at-home blue light device, but typically we recommend using the acne medications recommended specificly for your skin.

The Five Things You Should Know About Fraxel Acne Scar Treatment

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The 5 things you should know about Fraxel acne scar treatment:

  1. Fraxel is non-ablative: The Fraxel Restore laser treatment is a non-ablative treatment, meaning that its energy is sent through the skin, without ablating the superficial layers of the skin.
  2. Fraxel treatments are not painful: A topical numbing cream is applied to the skin’s surface for approximately one hour prior to the treatment.  As a result, the treatments are very tolerable.  A sunburn-like sensation is felt for a few minutes after the treatment, which is improved by the application of ice packs to the area.
  3. Fraxel treatments are intended to be performed in a series: You will begin to see significant improvement of acne scars after 2-3 Fraxel laser treatments.  Most patients require 4 Fraxel laser treatments for optimal improvement.
  4. Fraxel isn’t just for acne scars: During the course of your Fraxel treatments, you will see improvement in the appearance of dark spots from old acne and improvement in the general texture of your skin.  Fraxel laser treatments stimulate skin cell renewal, which leads to healthier skin and all-around skin rejuvenation, in addition to treatment of acne scars.
  5. Fraxel has very little downtime: Most patients have only 2-3 days of downtime after each Fraxel treatment.  Unlike other laser treatments, you may apply makeup and sunscreen immediately after the Fraxel treatment.  Since the surface of your skin was not compromised, you may run errands and go to work immediately following the Fraxel treatment; however, your skin appears to be slightly swollen and sunburnt for 2-3 days following the treatment, so many patients schedule their treatment for Friday and take it easy over the weekend.

Click here to learn more about Fraxel acne scar treatment. 

Ask the Acne Expert: How Soon After I Develop a New Acne Scar Should I Come in for Treatment?

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How soon after I develop a new acne scar should I come in for treatment?

Dr. Schweiger explains that, “It is best to visit your dermatologist for treatment prior to developing acne scars.  You can begin in-office physical treatments for acne, as well as at-home treatments to prevent acne scars from forming.  However, once you develop an acne scar, you should visit your dermatologist right away for treatment.  Early intervention is always best and will leave you with the most options for acne scar treatment.”

Treatments for new acne scars include:

Fractional CO2 Laser: The Fractional CO2 laser treatment stimulates that production of healthy collagen to fill in the acne scar.  Improvement can be dramatic, with up to 70% improvement being appreciated within one week of a single treatment.  The F.A.S.T. method of treatment can be used to address a new acne scar, meaning that only the new scar is treated, rather than the entire face.  This results in faster healing time and the ability for us to perform a stronger treatment on the localized area of scarring.

KTP laser: New acne scars often present as reddish marks on the skin, rather than true pitted acne scars.  The KTP laser can reduce the appearance of redness on the skin after just one to three treatments.

Chemical peels: Chemical peels can address post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, the brown spots that stick around on the skin after acne improves.  Certain types of chemical peels can also be used to smooth out the skin when pitted acne scarring occurs.

Click here to read more about acne scar treatments.

FAQ About Acne: Difference Between Adult Acne and Teenage Acne

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I never had acne as a teenager, why am I suddenly experiencing it as an adult?

According to reports, adult acne is on the rise, especially for females. A 2008 study out of the University of Alabama found that more than 50 percent of women between the ages of 20-29 have acne and more than 25 percent between the ages of 40-49 are affected with acne. A 2011 clinical survey from Massachusetts General Hospital showed that 45 percent of women 20-29 and 12 percent of women 41-50 suffer from acne. Hormones are the big culprits for these breakouts. When women get older, their levels of androgens surge. This hormone can play a large role in sebum production and how quickly the skin sheds its cells, which can lead to acne flare-ups.

Is there a difference between adult acne and teenage acne?

Adult acne and teenage acne are formed by the same causative agents that lead to acne formation.  In both patients, hormones influence the sebaceous glands to increase sebum production, leading to acne formation. According to a news report, adult acne is on the rise, especially for females. A 2008 study out of the University of Alabama found that more than 50 percent of women between the ages of 20-29 have acne and more than 25 percent between the ages of 40-49 are affected with acne. A 2011 clinical survey from Massachusetts General Hospital showed that 45 percent of women 20-29 and 12 percent of women 41-50 suffer from acne.  Hormones are the big culprits for adult breakouts. When women get older, their levels of androgens surge. This hormone can play a large role in sebum production and acne formation. While the mechanism of adult and teenage acne may be similar, the treatments can be different. At Clear Clinic we notice adults have drier skin, so we often avoid prescribing medications that are overly drying in our adult patients. We can also prescribe our adult patients also an acne-fighting medication with anti-aging benefits. For these reasons, it is best to consult with a dermatologist if you have adult acne to pick a gentle but still effective acne treatment regimen.


How to Know if Your Acne is Mild, Moderate or Severe

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acne classificationThere is a wide range of acne severity; acne can present as one pimple from time to time, or it can be constant and overwhelming.  For this reason, we often grade acne, in order to provide the most effective treatment possible for each type of acne.

Here’s how to know if your acne is mild, moderate or severe:

Mild acne: Mild acne usually consists of just a few pimples or comedones (whiteheads and blackheads) that present sporadically, or remain in a localized area.  Unfortunately, even mild acne can produce permanent scarring if left untreated, so even mild acne should be treated promptly.

Moderate acne: Moderate acne is more consistant, usually it is always present in some form or another.  It often has a combination of inflammatory acne (pimples) and comedones (whiteheads and blackheads) and involves a greater percentage of the skin’s surface area.  Rather than affecting only one area, moderate acne may affect the entire face or even the back and chest.

Severe acne: Severe acne is constantly present and often contains cyst and pustules.  There is usually a combination of both inflammatory acne (pimples, cysts, pustules) and comedones (whiteheads and blackheads) and a large percentage of the face is involved.  Severe acne is also commonly present on the back.  Severe acne is the most likely type of acne to lead to scarring, so it is important that severe acne be evaluated and treated by a dermatologist.  Treatments for severe acne often include prescription medications and in-office laser and light-based treatments.  Isotretinoin is often considered for the treatment of severe cases of acne that do not respond to other acne treatments.

Click here to learn more about acne.

Best Way to Treat Red Acne Indentation

Posted in Acne Scars, Acne Tips by capacitr. | Leave a Comment

We’ve all been there – its midnight and you have a giant pimple on your cheek that you can’t help but squeeze!  However, what about when squeezing the pimple results in a red acne indentation on your face that lasts for weeks? Is there anything that can be done to help the acne mark to heal more quickly?

Dr. Schweiger explains that, “The main issue here is squeezing your pimples. This is something that should be avoided at all costs, as it leads to increased inflammation on the skin and an increased risk of scarring.  You can make an appointment to be seen at the Clear Clinic the same day for a quick anti-inflammatory injection, which flattens the pimple out within a day or so.”

If a red indentation does develop, there are a few things that can be done to help the skin to heal as quickly as possible.  Regular use of a topical retinoid will stimulate skin cell turnover, allowing the healthier skin cells to rejuvenate the skin more quickly than they otherwise would.  Additionally, there are laser treatments (such as Laser Genesis and the KTP laser) that can decrease the appearance of redness on the skin.  For a true indentation, the Fractional CO2 laser can be used to treat only the affected area and promote healthy collagen growth to fill in the indentation.


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