How Does Benzoyl Peroxide Work to Treat Acne?
After all of these years, benzoyl peroxide still remains one of the top acne medications. Available in both over-the-counter and prescription formulations, it is a treatment that nearly everyone with acne has tried at some point. However, not everyone who has used benzoyl peroxide understands why they are using it or how it helps to treat their acne.
Dr. Schweiger explains that, “Benzoyl peroxide treats and prevents acne by adding oxygen to the pores. This helps to kill the p. acnes bacteria that leads to the development of acne. It also helps to clear debris from the pores that attracts p. acnes bacteria.” Benzoyl peroxide is available in many formulations, including medicated cleansers and leave-on creams. In prescription medications, benzoyl peroxide is often combined with clindamycin for increased efficacy.
Click here to read more about benzoyl peroxide and other over-the-counter acne treatments.