Covering up is a key element to feeling good about yourself while you are treating it. Here, Clear Clinic’s four steps to a perfect concealer application: Step 1) Prime the skin with a good skin primer. This is a necessary …
It is easy to confuse the bumps of a condition called pityrosporum folliculitis with the bumps of acne. Both conditions are commonly found on the face, chest and back, they both can present as pinkish bumps and pustules, and they both …
Imagine being able to get a vaccine that would prevent you from ever breaking out. Well, you may not have to dream anymore. The world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines recently inked a deal with the University of California, San Diego, …
Many people are bothered by the appearance of their pores. They often try numerous over-the-counter treatments before visiting us at the Clear Clinic in NYC. Regular use of retinoids, the Clarisonic cleansing brush and microdermabrasion can help to make pores …
At the Clear Clinic, we see many patients in their 30’s who want to not only clear up their acne, but prevent aging at the same time. A common complaint we hear is that, “At my age I should be …
You may have heard the buzz about Isolaz Therapy for acne, but what exactly is Isolaz and how does it work? Here, the top 10 things you need to know about Isolaz and why it might be right for you: …
Our acne patients with skin of color have unique concerns when it comes to treating their acne. They can easily form post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (ie. dark spots) on their skin after inflammatory acne lesions heal. In addition, many laser and light …
During a woman’s menstrual cycle, she undergoes a hormonal roller coaster. It’s been proven that hormones can be a major cause of acne breakouts. A study published in the Archives of Dermatology found that 63% of acne-prone women experience premenstrual …
There are several chemical peels that are helpful for acne-prone skin. Chemical peels are peeling agents that remove the superficial layers of the skin. In patients with acne-prone skin, chemical peels can clear out clogged pores, reduce comedone (blackhead and …
Parents often ask us if it is too soon to bring their teenager in to receive treatment for their acne. The answer is that it is never too soon. Even the mildest acne can be treated effectively with prescription medications …
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